Thursday, August 12, 2010


Who reads this ? If you read this text me at 865 705 9629 . This silly shit we call life , what the fuck ? Who was the one who started this ? Fuck , I don't know what to say that hasn't been said before . I hate life and I'm not some fucking kid complaining , I'm an adult that is fed up with society and I'm about to fucking break .

Monday, July 12, 2010

I dont have a title .

I'm making some hooch . Yesterday I added 1 and a half cans of juice concentrate , full can of lemonade and half can of limeade . Approx one and a half cups of brown sugar to each batch . I have two one gallon jugs which I'm putting the ingredients into . I also split a can of apricot halves into each jug . I added four slices of brown bread to each as well . Don't forget when your mixing the sugar to add a little hot water to melt it . And you have to loosen the cap every once in a while to let the carbon dioxide or shit will explode . I plan on moving mine outdoors into a cooler and placing balloons on the jugs so I can actually see when I have to burp the hooch . Ill keep posting as I see progress .

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Breeze

I'm sitting on my porch drinking juice . I'm reading The Catcher in the Rye . I'm not going anywhere else today , I was waiting for a trolley for atleast 30 minutes and then it passed me . Stores are full of people who are wasting their lives , why were they created ? Fuck !

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

bad drivers

My mother just got a car and she can barely see over the goddamn steering wheel . She's going to fucking wreck and hit a telephone pole one day . Fuck it . And other news ... I'm thinking of deserting everything and everyone I know . I'm tired of the same shit . I'm bored with life . I wonder how Seattle is , I've thought about going there .

trying to figure this blogging out

I've created a blog . I've done everything but it won't show my picture . Ill get to a computer and figure it out . I'm doing this from my crackberry so I'm sure it doesn't show everything that's on the original page . This is cool though , I bet in five years Ill have atleast ten profile views , ha ha !


How can the DEA pay informants ? How is this legal ?